package icsapp
import (
const (
LINEEND1 = "\r\n"
type IcsExec struct {
service *icssvc.IcsService
config *icsconf.IcsConfig
httpsrv *icshttp.Router
hbNet *icsnet.IcsTCPNet
sttNet *icsnet.IcsTCPNet
csNet *icsnet.IcsTCPNet
ttsNet *icsnet.IcsTCPNet
cmdNet *icsnet.IcsTCPNet
func Init(conf *icsconf.IcsConfig) (e *IcsExec) {
e = &IcsExec{}
e.service = icssvc.GetServiceStatus()
e.config = conf
e.httpsrv = icshttp.NewRouter()
return e
func (exe IcsExec) Execute() *icserror.IcsError {
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
logFile, _ := os.Create("track" + time.Now().Format("20060102_150405") + ".log")
syscall.Dup2(int(logFile.Fd()), 2)
for !exe.service.GetExit() {
for exe.service.GetStop() {
//init session manager and run
sm := icssessionmanager.NewSessionManager()
//start Heart beat TCP server
// hbDone := make(chan *icserror.IcsError)
// if exe.config.HeartBeat.Value {
// go func() {
// saddr := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", exe.config.HeartBeat.Port)
// hbladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(saddr)
// var hbErr *icserror.IcsError
// //set handler
// exe.hbNet, hbErr = icsnet.ListenAndServeTCP(&hbladdr, nil, LINEEND1, TCPConnHandlerHeartBeat)
// if hbErr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Heart beat Listen - %s", hbErr.GetError())
// hbDone <- hbErr
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Liesting Heart beat - %s", saddr)
// }
// }()
// }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //start Call signal TCP server
// csDone := make(chan *icserror.IcsError)
// p1 := &exe.config.ServerConfig.CSConfig.Port
// go func() {
// //saddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", exe.config.STTConfig.SrcIP, exe.config.STTConfig.Port)
// cslAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", *p1)
// //cslAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", exe.config.AgentConfig[idx].CSConfig.Port)
// //cslAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", exe.config.AgentConfig[iter].CSConfig.Port)
// var csErr *icserror.IcsError
// //set handler
// exe.csNet, csErr = icsnet.ListenAndServeTCP(&cslAddr, nil, LINEEND2, TCPConnHandlerCS)
// if csErr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Call Signal Listen failure - %s", csErr.GetMessage())
// csDone <- csErr
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Listening Call Signal - %s", cslAddr)
// }
// }()
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //start STT TCP server
// sttDone := make(chan *icserror.IcsError)
// if exe.config.STTConfig.Value {
// go func() {
// saddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", exe.config.STTConfig.SrcIP, exe.config.STTConfig.Port)
// STTladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(saddr)
// var sttErr *icserror.IcsError
// //set handler
// exe.sttNet, sttErr = icsnet.ListenAndServeTCP(&STTladdr, nil, LINEEND1, TCPConnHandlerSTT)
// if sttErr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "STT Listen failure - %s", sttErr.GetMessage())
// sttDone <- sttErr
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Listening STT - %s", saddr)
// }
// //sttDone <- nil
// }()
// }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //start TTS TCP server
// ttsDone := make(chan *icserror.IcsError)
// if exe.config.TTSConfig.Value {
// go func() {
// saddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", exe.config.TTSConfig.SrcIP, exe.config.TTSConfig.Port)
// TTSladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(saddr)
// var ttsErr *icserror.IcsError
// //set handler
// exe.ttsNet, ttsErr = icsnet.ListenAndServeTCP(&TTSladdr, nil, LINEEND2, TCPConnHandlerTTS)
// if ttsErr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "TTS Listen - %s", ttsErr.GetMessage())
// ttsDone <- ttsErr
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Listening TTS - %s", saddr)
// }
// //ttsDone <- nil
// }()
// }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //start command TCP server
// cmdDone := make(chan *icserror.IcsError)
// if exe.config.CommandConfig.Value {
// go func() {
// saddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", exe.config.CommandConfig.SrcIP, exe.config.CommandConfig.Port)
// CMDladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(saddr)
// var cmdErr *icserror.IcsError
// //set handler
// exe.cmdNet, cmdErr = icsnet.ListenAndServeTCP(&CMDladdr, nil, LINEEND2, TCPConnHandlerCommand)
// if cmdErr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Bot Command Listen - %s", cmdErr.GetMessage())
// cmdDone <- cmdErr
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Listeing Bot Command Listen - %s", saddr)
// }
// //ttsDone <- nil
// }()
// }
//make http handler
httpDone := make(chan error)
if exe.config.HTTPConfig.Value {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "Registered http handlers")
//start http server
go func() {
saddr := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", exe.config.HTTPConfig.Port)
httpErr := http.ListenAndServe(saddr, exe.httpsrv)
if httpErr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "HTTP Listen failed - %v", httpErr)
fmt.Println("HTTP Listen failed -", httpErr)
httpDone <- httpErr
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "HTTP Listen - %s", saddr)
//httpDone <- nil
select {
// case hbch := <-hbDone:
// if hbch != nil {
// return hbch
// }
// case sttch := <-sttDone:
// if sttch != nil {
// return sttch
// }
// /*
// case csch := <-csDone:
// if csch != nil {
// return csch
// }
// */
// case ttsch := <-ttsDone:
// if ttsch != nil {
// return ttsch
// }
// case cmdch := <-cmdDone:
// if cmdch != nil {
// return cmdch
// }
case httpch := <-httpDone:
if httpch != nil {
return icserror.ICSERRAPPHTTP
return nil
func TCPConnHandlerHeartBeat(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "[HeartBeat] Conencted - %s", t.RemoteAddr().String())
fmt.Printf("[HeartBeat] Conencted - %s\n", t.RemoteAddr().String())
defer t.Close()
for {
buf, rlen, rerr := t.ReadS(0, bufend)
if rerr != nil {
fmt.Println("Reads Error!", rerr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "[%d] %s", rlen, string(buf))
fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n", rlen, string(buf))
buf = nil
func TCPConnHandlerSTT(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "[STT] Conencted - %s", t.RemoteAddr().String())
fmt.Printf("[STT] Conencted - %s\n", t.RemoteAddr().String())
defer t.Close()
for {
buf, rlen, rerr := t.ReadS(recorddata.MAX_CALLSIGNAL_PACKET_LEN, bufend)
if rerr != nil {
fmt.Println("Reads Error!", rerr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "STT - [%d] %s", rlen, string(buf))
fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n", rlen, string(buf))
cs := readcallsignal.NewCallSignal(buf)
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "STT - call signal \n%v", cs)
buf = nil
func TCPConnHandlerTTS(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "[TTS] Conencted - %s", t.RemoteAddr().String())
fmt.Printf("[TTS] Conencted - %s\n", t.RemoteAddr().String())
defer t.Close()
for {
buf, rlen, rerr := t.ReadS(0, bufend)
if rerr != nil {
fmt.Println("Reads Error!", rerr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "TTS - [%d] %s", rlen, string(buf))
fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n", rlen, string(buf))
buf = nil
//processing bot command
func TCPConnHandlerCommand(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
//conf := icsconf.GetIcsConfig()
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "[Bot Command] Conencted - %s", t.RemoteAddr().String())
defer func() {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "[Bot Command] Closed - %s", t.RemoteAddr().String())
for {
buf, rlen, rerr := t.ReadS(81, bufend)
//buf, rlen, rerr := t.ReadS(0, bufend)
if rerr != nil {
if rerr.GetError() != io.EOF {
//fmt.Println("Reads Error!", rerr.GetError())
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "[Bot Command] Reads Error! - %s[%s]",
rerr.GetError(), string(buf))
aerr := rerr.GetError()
if aerr.Error() == "EOF" {
fmt.Println("Reads Error EOFFF!", rerr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "Recved Command - [%d] %s", rlen, string(buf))
//fmt.Printf("[%d] %s\n", rlen, string(buf))
cs := readcallsignal.NewCallSignal(buf)
if cs == nil {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "[Call Signal] CallSignal Parsing Error!")
buf = nil
n := bytes.Index([]byte(cs.ChannelID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
cs.ChannelID = string([]byte(cs.ChannelID)[:n])
n = bytes.Index([]byte(cs.Station), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
cs.Station = string([]byte(cs.Station)[:n])
n = bytes.Index([]byte(cs.AgentID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
cs.AgentID = string([]byte(cs.AgentID)[:n])
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "Call Signal - [%d] chID: %s, SID: %s, Station: %s, AgentID: %s, EventType: %s, CustTel: %s, %d:%d",
//fmt.Printf("345LINE [%d] %s\n", len(buf), string(buf))
if strings.Compare(cs.EventType, "S") == 0 { //START CALL
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Call Started")
//alloc session with station
session, serr := icssessionmanager.AllocSession(cs.ChannelID, cs.ServerID, cs.Station, "", true)
if serr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Session Aloocation Failure. Check Licensed Session Number - %s", serr.GetError())
buf = nil
//find agent conf
//if session.AgentConfig == nil {
agentConf := session.FindAgentConfig(cs.AgentID)
if agentConf == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Could not find Agent Config - %s", cs.AgentID)
buf = nil
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, session.ID, "Set Agent Config - %s", cs.AgentID)
//set tcp connection to session's for response
session.TcpConn = t
//listen voice port
vraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", session.AgentConfig.Port)
//vraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", conf.AgentConfig[session.ID].Port)
session.VoiceNeter = icsnet.NewUDP(&vraddr, nil)
lerr := session.VoiceNeter.Listen()
if lerr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, session.ID, "Port[%s] Listen Failure - %s", vraddr, lerr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Voice port listening - %s", vraddr)
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d%s",
icshttpclient.PostServiceInfo(url, session.AgentConfig.BotConfig.CustTel)
//sesion start
//post event to the session
h := icsevent.NewEventH()
var evt *icsevent.Event
var evtErr *icserror.IcsError
if evt, evtErr = h.AllocEvent(cs); evtErr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Post SIP event[%d] to Session[%03d]", evt.ID, session.ID)
h.PostEvent(int(session.GetSessionID()), evt)
} else if strings.Compare(cs.EventType, "D") == 0 { //DTMF
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "DTMF Event - %s", cs.InOut)
//find session
session, serr := icssessionmanager.FindSession(cs)
if serr != nil || session == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Finding Session Failure - %s", serr.GetError())
buf = nil
//post event to the session
h := icsevent.NewEventH()
var evt *icsevent.Event
var evtErr *icserror.IcsError
if evt, evtErr = h.AllocEvent(cs); evtErr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Post SIP event[%d] to Session[%03d]", evt.ID, session.ID)
h.PostEvent(int(session.GetSessionID()), evt)
} else if strings.Compare(cs.EventType, "E") == 0 { //END CALL
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Call Ended")
//find session
session, serr := icssessionmanager.FindSession(cs)
if serr != nil || session == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Finding Session Failure - %s", serr.GetError())
buf = nil
//find agent conf
if session.AgentConfig == nil {
agentConf := session.FindAgentConfig(cs.AgentID)
if agentConf == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Could not find Agent Config - %s", cs.AgentID)
buf = nil
switch session.AgentConfig.Action {
case "voicegateway":
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d%s",
//remove null terminator
var custid string
n := bytes.Index([]byte(cs.CustID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
custid = string([]byte(cs.CustID)[:n])
} else {
custid = cs.CustID
var sstation string
n = bytes.Index([]byte(cs.Station), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
sstation = string([]byte(cs.Station)[:n])
} else {
sstation = cs.Station
scallID := session.GetCallID()
botToken := session.GetBotToken()
//send hangup to bot
processResp := icshttpclient.PostProcess(url, "HANGUP", "", custid, "ICS_RCP", scallID, sstation, botToken, "")
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "CALL HANGUP - %+v", processResp)
//close voiceneter
verr := session.VoiceNeter.Close()
if verr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to close Voice port - %s", verr.GetError())
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Closed Voice port")
//close session
serr = session.RemoveSession()
if serr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "RemoveSession Error %s", serr.GetMessage())
buf = nil
buf = nil
//from VoiceCapture
func TCPConnHandlerCS(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
//conf := icsconf.GetIcsConfig()
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "[Call Signal] Connected - %s", t.RemoteAddr().String())
defer t.Close()
for {
buf, _, rerr := t.ReadS(recorddata.MAX_CALLSIGNAL_PACKET_LEN, bufend)
//buf, _, rerr := t.ReadS(61, bufend)
//buf, rlen, rerr := t.ReadS(0, bufend)
if rerr != nil {
if aerr := rerr.GetError(); aerr != io.EOF {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "[Call Signal] Reads Error! - %s", rerr.GetError())
buf = nil
} else {
cs := readcallsignal.NewCallSignal(buf)
if cs == nil {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "[Call Signal] CallSignal Parsing Error!")
buf = nil
//var agentid string
n := bytes.Index([]byte(cs.CustID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
cs.CustID = string([]byte(cs.CustID)[:n])
n = bytes.Index([]byte(cs.AgentID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
cs.AgentID = string([]byte(cs.AgentID)[:n])
n = bytes.Index([]byte(cs.ChannelID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
cs.ChannelID = string([]byte(cs.ChannelID)[:n])
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, -1, "Call Signal - [%d] chID: %s, SID: %s, Station: %s, AgentID: %s, EventType: %s, CustTel: %s, %d:%d",
fmt.Printf("345LINE [%d] %s\n", len(buf), string(buf))
if strings.Compare(cs.EventType, "S") == 0 { //START CALL
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Call Started")
session, serr := icssessionmanager.AllocSession(cs.ChannelID, cs.ServerID, cs.Station, "", true)
if serr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Session Aloocation Failure. Check Licensed Session Number - %s", serr.GetError())
buf = nil
//find agent conf
//if session.AgentConfig == nil {
agentConf := session.FindAgentConfig(cs.AgentID)
if agentConf == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Could not find Agent Config - %s", cs.AgentID)
buf = nil
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, session.ID, "Set Agent Config - %s", cs.AgentID)
//listen voice port
vraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", session.AgentConfig.Port)
session.VoiceNeter = icsnet.NewUDP(&vraddr, nil)
lerr := session.VoiceNeter.Listen()
if lerr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, session.ID, "Port[%s] Listen Failure - %s", vraddr, lerr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Voice port open - %s", vraddr)
//connect to websocket server
//TODO: error-handling!!
wshost := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", session.AgentConfig.WSConfig.IP, session.AgentConfig.WSConfig.Port)
wspath := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/websocket", cs.Station, cs.Station) //cs.AgentID)
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", session.AgentConfig.WSConfig.Path, wspath)
//path := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", session.AgentConfig.WSConfig.Path, "/123/01234567/websocket")
//path := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", conf.AgentConfig[session.ID].WSConfig.Path, "/123/01234567/websocket")
session.WSConn = icsws.NewWSClient(wshost, path)
wserr := session.WSConn.Connect()
if wserr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to connect Websocket server[%s/%s] - %s",
wshost, path, wserr.GetError())
} else {
imsg := icsws.NewIAP()
ierr := session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to connect Websocket server[%s/%s] - %s",
wshost, path, ierr.GetError())
} else {
for iter := 0; iter < 3; iter++ {
connected, ierr := session.WSConn.Read()
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to connect Websocket server[%s/%s] - %s",
wshost, path, ierr.GetError())
} else {
if !strings.Contains(string(connected), "CONNECTED") {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to connect Websocket server[%s/%s]. Retry - %d",
wshost, path, iter)
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Connected Websocket server - %s",
agentname := session.AgentConfig.Name
ierr = session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to Subscribe - %s", ierr.GetError())
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Subscribe Websocket")
//room in
imsg.RoomIn(agentname, agentname)
ierr = session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to sent Room-In - %s", ierr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Sent Room-In to Websocket server [%s]", imsg.String())
//call start
var custid string
n := bytes.Index([]byte(cs.CustID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
custid = string([]byte(cs.CustID)[:n])
} else {
custid = cs.CustID
imsg.CallStart(agentname, custid)
ierr = session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to sent Call Start - %s", ierr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Sent Call start to Websocket server [%s]", imsg.String())
h := icsevent.NewEventH()
var evt *icsevent.Event
var evtErr *icserror.IcsError
if evt, evtErr = h.AllocEvent(cs); evtErr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Post SIP event[%d] to Session[%03d]", evt.ID, session.ID)
h.PostEvent(int(session.GetSessionID()), evt)
buf = nil
} else if strings.Compare(cs.EventType, "E") == 0 { //END CALL
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Call Ended")
session, serr := icssessionmanager.FindSession(cs)
if serr != nil || session == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Finding Session Failure - %s", serr.GetError())
buf = nil
//find agent conf
if session.AgentConfig == nil {
agentConf := session.FindAgentConfig(cs.AgentID)
if agentConf == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Could not find Agent Config - %s", cs.AgentID)
buf = nil
//close voiceneter
verr := session.VoiceNeter.Close()
if verr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failted to close Voice port - %s", verr.GetError())
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Close Voice port")
agentname := session.AgentConfig.Name
//agentname := conf.AgentConfig[session.ID].Name
imsg := icsws.NewIAP()
//call end
var custid string
n := bytes.Index([]byte(cs.CustID), []byte{0})
if n != -1 {
custid = string([]byte(cs.CustID)[:n])
} else {
custid = cs.CustID
imsg.CallEnd(agentname, custid)
ierr := session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to sent Call End - %s", ierr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Sent Call End to Websocket server [%s]", imsg.String())
//room out
imsg.RoomOut(agentname, agentname)
ierr = session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to sent Room-Out - %s", ierr.GetError())
} else {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Sent Room-Out to Websocket server [%s]", imsg.String())
//disconnect stomp
ierr = session.WSConn.Write(imsg.String())
if ierr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to sent Disconnect - %s", ierr.GetError())
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Sent Disconnect to Websocket server")
//close ws connection
verr = session.WSConn.Close()
if verr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "Failed to Close Websocket Connection - %s", verr.GetError())
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, session.ID, "Close Websocket Connection")
serr = session.RemoveSession()
if serr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, session.ID, "RemoveSession Error %s", serr.GetMessage())
buf = nil