icsanalyzesip.go deleted
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
package icssessionmanager
import (
func (s *IcsSession) analyzeSIP(sip *icspacketparser.SIP) *icserror.IcsError {
// fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
// fmt.Println("sip.Method", sip.Method)
// fmt.Println("sip.Version", sip.Version)
// fmt.Println("sip.Headers", sip.Headers)
// fmt.Println("sip.Source", sip.Source)
// fmt.Printf("%+v\n", sip)
//fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sip.Method", sip.Method)
l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
// fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sip.Method", sip.Method)
if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_INVITE {
payload, err := s.setSDPMediaPayload(sip)
if err != nil {
return icserror.ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue
} else {
s.invitePayloads = payload
} else if strings.Contains(sip.Cseq, " INVITE") {
if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_SIP20 && !s.isFoundPayload {
// fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICS_SIP_METHOD_SIP20", sip.ResType, sip.ContentType, sip.ContentLength)
if strings.Contains(sip.ContentType, "sdp") && sip.ContentLength > 0 {
payload, err := s.compareSDPMediaPayload(sip)
if err != nil {
return icserror.ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue
} else {
s.isFoundPayload = true
s.payloadType = icspacketparser.PayloadType(payload)
//fmt.Println("s.payload >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", s.payloadType)
//create media decoder
var cerr *icserror.IcsError
s.TxConverter, cerr = icsmediaconv.NewConverter(s.ID, s.payloadType)
if cerr != nil {
//s.isFoundPayload = false
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, s.ID, "Failed to New Tx Converter-%v", cerr)
return cerr
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "New Tx Converter(Decoder)")
s.RxConverter, cerr = icsmediaconv.NewConverter(s.ID, s.payloadType)
if cerr != nil {
//s.isFoundPayload = false
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, s.ID, "Failed to New Rx Converter-%v", cerr)
return cerr
} else {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "New Rx Converter(Decoder)")
//init VoiceAgent net
conf := icssvc.GetServiceStatus().GetIcsConfig()
if conf != nil {
//set call signal remote addr
csraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", 1111)
csladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", 2222)
//csraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.VoiceAgentIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.CallSignalPort)
//csladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerPort)
//set Voice remote addr
vraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort("", 3333)
//vraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.VoiceAgentIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.VoicePort)
//vladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.BasePort)
s.VoiceNeter = icsnet.NewUDP(nil, &vraddr)
//s.VoiceNeter = icsnet.NewUDP(&vladdr, &vraddr)
conerr := s.VoiceNeter.Connect()
if conerr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Error init Voice Neter[%s->%s]-%v", s.VoiceNeter.LocalAddr().String(), vraddr.String(), conerr.GetError())
return conerr
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Voice(UDP) Connected to VoiceAgent[%s->%s]", s.VoiceNeter.LocalAddr().String(), vraddr.String())
//send call signal data to VoiceAgent
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, s.ID, icserror.ICSERRNETNotConnectError.GetMessage())
var inout string = "O"
if s.GetDirection() {
inout = "I"
callsignal := writecallsignal.NewCallSignalData()
//callsignal := recorddata.NewCallSignalData()
//s.StartTimeStamp = time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6
s.StartTimeStamp = time.Now().UnixNano()
callsignal.SetData(s.ChannelID, s.ServerID, s.Station, "CUSTID", s.StartTimeStamp, 0, "S", inout)
wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(&csladdr, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
if werr == nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Transmitted Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent(%d)", wlen)
return nil
func (s *IcsSession) setSrcPort(sip *icspacketparser.SIP) *icserror.IcsError {
if sip.Content == nil {
//error 처리 invite인데, sdp 데이터가 없음
return icserror.ICSERRINVITERequired
} else {
// fmt.Println("sdpMedias", *sip.Content.Media)
port, err := s.findSDPMediaAudioPort(sip)
if err != nil {
return icserror.ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue
} else {
s.srcPort = port
return nil
func (s *IcsSession) setDstPort(sip *icspacketparser.SIP) *icserror.IcsError {
// fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sip.Cseq", sip.Cseq, sip.Method)
if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_SIP20 && sip.ResType == "200" {
if sip.Content == nil {
//error 처리 INVITE처리의 200 OK인데, sdp 데이터가 없음
return icserror.ICSERR200OKRequired
} else {
// fmt.Println("sdpMedias", *sip.Content.Media)
port, err := s.findSDPMediaAudioPort(sip)
if err != nil {
return icserror.ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue
} else {
s.dstPort = port
} else if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_BYE {
//fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>> haup up event")
// s.RemoveSession()
return nil
func (s *IcsSession) findSDPMediaAudioPort(sip *icspacketparser.SIP) (int, *icserror.IcsError) {
for _, value := range *sip.Content.Media {
if strings.Contains(value.MediaDescription, "audio ") {
arrSdpMedia := strings.Split(value.MediaDescription, " ")
port, err := strconv.Atoi(arrSdpMedia[1])
if err != nil {
return -1, icserror.ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue
} else {
//fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port", port)
return port, nil
} else {
return -1, icserror.ICSERRNotFoundSdpMedia
return -1, icserror.ICSERRNotFoundSdpMedia
func (s *IcsSession) setSDPMediaPayload(sip *icspacketparser.SIP) ([]string, *icserror.IcsError) {
for _, value := range *sip.Content.Media {
if strings.Contains(value.MediaDescription, "audio ") {
//fmt.Println("value.Payload >>>>>>>>>>>", value.Payload)
return value.Payload, nil
} else {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRNotFoundSdpMedia
return nil, icserror.ICSERRNotFoundSdpMedia
func (s *IcsSession) compareSDPMediaPayload(sip *icspacketparser.SIP) (int, *icserror.IcsError) {
for _, value := range *sip.Content.Media {
for _, thisPayload := range value.Payload {
for _, invitePayload := range s.invitePayloads {
if thisPayload == invitePayload {
payload, err := strconv.Atoi(thisPayload)
if err != nil {
return -1, icserror.ICSERRSDPAudiotagPortValue
} else {
return payload, nil
return -1, icserror.ICSERRNotFoundSdpMedia
Reference in New Issue