package icssessionmanager
import (
// "net"
func ( s * IcsSession ) SetRegisterStatus ( status int ) int {
s . registerStatus = status
return s . registerStatus
func ( s IcsSession ) GetRegisterStatus ( ) int {
return s . registerStatus
func ( s * IcsSession ) SetAgentStatus ( status int ) int {
s . agentStatus = status
return s . agentStatus
func ( s IcsSession ) GetAgentStatus ( ) int {
return s . agentStatus
//response register
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcRegister ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
//check expires header value
expires := sip . Headers [ "EXPIRES" ] [ 0 ]
if len ( expires ) == 0 {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Invalid SIP - No Expires header" )
return nil
expN , cerr := strconv . Atoi ( expires )
if cerr != nil {
return icserror . ICSERRStrConv
//remove register
if expN == 0 {
//stop callback timer
s . RegisterCallBackTimer . Stop ( )
//make response
resSIP := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 200 )
resSIP . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR , "" )
//send response
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( resSIP . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , - 1 , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
return icserror . ICSERRNETWriteError
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , - 1 , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
resSIP . String ( ) )
return nil
//register callback timer function
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestRegisterCB ( t * icscbtimer . IcsCBTimer ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
for s . GetRegisterStatus ( ) == STATUS_REGISTER_NOT_READY {
time . Sleep ( time . Millisecond )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
regifunc := func ( t * time . Time ) {
regiMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s;transport=%s" , ip , transport )
reqRegi := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_REGISTER , regiMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s" , ip , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
from := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s" , s . AgentName , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>" , s . AgentName , ip )
postfix := fmt . Sprintf ( "@%s" , ip )
var callid string
if len ( s . callID ) != 0 {
callid = s . callID
//if len(s.regiCallID) != 0 {
//callid = s.regiCallID
} else {
callid = sipasm . GenerateCallID ( postfix )
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d REGISTER" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , port , transport )
expires := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . RegisterConfig . RegisterExpire )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
contentLength := "0"
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , from )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , to )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_EXPIRES , expires )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , contentLength )
reqRegi . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
s . callID = callid
//s.regiCallID = callid
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID ,
"Session Allocated[%d] Call ID: %s==========================" ,
s . goroutineID , s . callID )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqRegi . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetRegisterStatus ( STATUS_REGISTER_REQUEST )
s . SetSessionMethodWithType ( ICS_SIP_AUTOMATA_REGISTER )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqRegi . String ( ) )
regifunc ( nil )
for t1 := range t . GetTick ( ) {
//fmt.Println(s.ID, t1)
regifunc ( & t1 )
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestInviteCB ( inviteto string , t * icscbtimer . IcsCBTimer ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
inviteFunc := func ( ) {
status := s . GetAgentStatus ( )
if status == STATUS_AGENT_READY {
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
mediaPort := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . MediaConfig . Port
proxy := conf . SIPConfig . SIPProxy
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
format := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . MediaConfig . Format
inviteMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s;transport=%s" , inviteto , proxy , transport )
reqInvite := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_INVITE , inviteMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s" , ip , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
from := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:5090>;tag=%s" , s . AgentName , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>" , "01025670081" , ip )
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>", s.AgentName, ip)
postfix := fmt . Sprintf ( "@%s" , ip )
var callid string
if len ( s . callID ) != 0 {
callid = s . callID
//if len(s.regiCallID) != 0 {
//callid = s.regiCallID
} else {
callid = sipasm . GenerateCallID ( postfix )
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d INVITE" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , port , transport )
//expires := fmt.Sprintf("%d", conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].RegisterConfig.RegisterExpire)
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
formats := strings . Split ( format , " " )
reqInvite . SDP = sipasm . NewSDPMessage ( ip , mediaPort , formats [ : ] , 0 )
sdpLength := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , len ( reqInvite . SDP . String ( ) ) )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , from )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , to )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
//reqInvite.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_EXPIRES, expires)
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE , "application/sdp" )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , sdpLength )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqInvite . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . callID = callid
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_CALLING )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqInvite . String ( ) )
inviteFunc ( )
for t1 := range t . GetTick ( ) {
fmt . Println ( s . ID , t1 )
t . Stop ( )
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestInvite ( inviteto string ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
inviteFunc := func ( ) {
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
// port := conf.SIPConfig.Port
mediaPort := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . MediaConfig . Port
// proxy := conf.SIPConfig.SIPProxy
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
format := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . MediaConfig . Format
inviteMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@;transport=%s" , s . AgentName , transport ) // nlb(DNS)를 한번 갔다온 ip를 넣어줘야함.
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>" , s . AgentName , ip )
from := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s" , inviteto , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
if conf . Representative . Value {
inviteMethod = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s;transport=%s" , "AISB" , ip , transport )
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , "AISB" , ip )
to = fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>" , "AISB" , ip )
agentName := s . AgentName
agentSplit := agentName [ len ( agentName ) - 2 : len ( agentName ) ]
telNo := fmt . Sprintf ( "010243427%s" , agentSplit )
from = fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s" , telNo , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
reqInvite := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_INVITE , inviteMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s:5090;branch=%s" , ip , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
// postfix := ""
var callid string
s . m . Lock ( )
s . callID = uuid . New ( ) . String ( )
s . m . Unlock ( )
callid = s . callID
// if len(s.callID) != 0 {
// callid = s.callID
// //if len(s.regiCallID) != 0 {
// //callid = s.regiCallID
// } else {
// callid = sipasm.GenerateCallID(postfix)
// }
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d INVITE" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
// contact := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>", s.AgentName, ip, port, transport)
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:5060>" , inviteto , ip )
//expires := fmt.Sprintf("%d", conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].RegisterConfig.RegisterExpire)
// userAgent := conf.InfoConfig.Product
userAgent := "M800B/v.7.20A.204.759"
supported := "em,100rel,timer,replaces,path,resource-priority,sdp-anat"
formats := strings . Split ( format , " " )
// reqInvite.SDP = sipasm.NewSDPMessage(ip, mediaPort, formats[:], 0)
reqInvite . SDP = sipasm . NewSDPMessage ( ip , mediaPort , formats [ : ] , 0 )
sdpLength := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , len ( reqInvite . SDP . String ( ) ) )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , from )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , to )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_XAICALL , s . referto )
//reqInvite.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_EXPIRES, expires)
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE , "application/sdp" )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , sdpLength )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqInvite . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
// s.callID = callid
// s.callID = uuid.New().String()
if conf . Representative . Value {
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
} else {
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_CALLING )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqInvite . String ( ) )
inviteFunc ( )
// pass invite for sim
func ( s * IcsSession ) PassInvite ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
// TODO - send bye
defer func ( ) {
if err := recover ( ) ; err != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_WARN , s . ID , "%s \n%s" ,
icserror . ICSERRNETNotConnectError . GetMessage ( ) , debug . Stack ( ) )
} ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
// fmt.Println("sip.Media ", sip.Media)
mediaPort , _ := strconv . Atoi ( sip . Media )
proxy := conf . SIPConfig . SIPProxy
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
format := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . MediaConfig . Format
inviteMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s;transport=%s" , "AISB" , proxy , transport )
reqInvite := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_INVITE , inviteMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s" , ip , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
agentName := s . AgentName
agentSplit := agentName [ len ( agentName ) - 2 : len ( agentName ) ]
telNo := fmt . Sprintf ( "010243427%s" , agentSplit )
from := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:5090>;tag=%s" , telNo , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
s . referto = sip . XAICall
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>" , "AISB" , ip )
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>", s.AgentName, ip)
// postfix := fmt.Sprintf("@%s", ip)
var callid string
callid = uuid . New ( ) . String ( )
// if len(s.callID) != 0 {
// callid = s.callID
// //if len(s.regiCallID) != 0 {
// //callid = s.regiCallID
// } else {
// callid = sipasm.GenerateCallID(postfix)
// }
s . m . Lock ( )
s . callID = callid
s . m . Unlock ( )
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d INVITE" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , "AISB" , ip , port , transport )
//expires := fmt.Sprintf("%d", conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].RegisterConfig.RegisterExpire)
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
formats := strings . Split ( format , " " )
reqInvite . SDP = sipasm . NewSDPMessage ( ip , mediaPort , formats [ : ] , 0 )
sdpLength := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , len ( reqInvite . SDP . String ( ) ) )
// fmt.Println("###### X-AICALL ", sip.XAICall)
// refer := strings.Split(sip.XAICall, "@")[0]
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , from )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , to )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_XAICALL , sip . XAICall )
//reqInvite.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_EXPIRES, expires)
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE , "application/sdp" )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , sdpLength )
reqInvite . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Send INVITE! [%s] -> [%s] \r\n %+v\r\n" ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqInvite )
// sendINVITE := fmt.Sprintf("%+v",sip)
_ , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqInvite . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
// fmt.Println(wlen)
s . InviteSIP = nil
s1 := icspacketparser . NewSIP ( )
err := s1 . SipParser ( [ ] byte ( reqInvite . String ( ) ) )
if err != nil {
// fmt.Printf("########### ererererrererer %s \r\n %+v\r\n", reqInvite.String(), s.InviteSIP)
} else {
s . InviteSIP = & s1
// fmt.Printf("########### %+v\r\n",s1)
// fmt.Printf("########### %s, \r\n %+v\r\n",reqInvite.String(), s.InviteSIP)
// s.RemoveSession()
return nil
//response invite
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcInvite ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
// TODO - send bye
defer func ( ) {
if err := recover ( ) ; err != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_WARN , s . ID , "%s \n%s" ,
icserror . ICSERRNETNotConnectError . GetMessage ( ) , debug . Stack ( ) )
} ( )
s . referto = sip . XAICall
name1 := strings . SplitN ( sip . To , "@" , 2 )
name2 := strings . SplitN ( name1 [ 0 ] , ":" , 2 )
ac := FindAgentConfig ( name2 [ 1 ] )
if ac == nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Could not found Agent Name - %s" ,
icserror . ICSERRUnkown . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 400 )
return icserror . ICSERRUnkown
s . SetAgentConfig ( ac )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Found Agent config - %+v" , ac )
ai := FindAgentInfo ( name2 [ 1 ] )
if ai == nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Could not found Agent Name - %s" ,
icserror . ICSERRUnkown . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 400 )
return icserror . ICSERRUnkown
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Found Agent Info - %+v" , ai )
s . SetAgentInfo ( ai )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
sipPort := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
format := s . AgentConf . MediaConfig . Format
mediaPort := s . AgentConf . MediaConfig . Port
ierr := s . Init ( )
if ierr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Session Init Error - %d" ,
ierr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 500 )
return ierr
status := s . GetAgentStatus ( )
//reset rx cnt
s . rxCnt = 0
//get remote rtp addr in SDP
//fmt.Println("invite > method type", sip.Method, sip.Content)
rport , perr := s . findSDPMediaAudioPort ( sip )
if perr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Could not found Audio Port [%d] - %s" ,
rport , perr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 500 )
return perr
sdpConnectInfo := strings . Split ( sip . Content . Connection , " " )
remoteIP := sdpConnectInfo [ len ( sdpConnectInfo ) - 1 ]
remoteAddrs := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%d" , remoteIP , rport )
remoteAddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPAddr ( remoteAddrs )
//connect to remote RTP
s . rtpMediaNeter . SetRemoteAddr ( & remoteAddr )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set media remote address - %s(%s)" , remoteAddr , s . rtpMediaNeter . RemoteAddr ( ) )
/ *
cerr := s . rtpMediaNeter . Connect ( nil , & remoteAddr )
if cerr != nil {
fmt . Println ( "CONNECTION FAIL!!!" , cerr )
* /
/ *
//send 100 trying
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_CALLING )
res100 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 100 )
res100 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res100 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , "0" )
res100 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res100 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res100 . String ( ) )
* /
//send 200 ok
res200 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 200 )
formats := strings . Split ( format , " " )
s . invitePayloads = formats
m := * sip . Content . Media
mLen := len ( m )
var sendrecv int
for iter1 := 0 ; iter1 < mLen ; iter1 ++ {
for iter2 := 0 ; iter2 < mLen ; iter2 ++ {
if strings . Contains ( m [ iter1 ] . Attributes [ iter2 ] , "sendrecv" ) {
sendrecv = 0
} else if strings . Contains ( m [ iter1 ] . Attributes [ iter2 ] , "sendonly" ) {
sendrecv = 2
} else if strings . Contains ( m [ iter1 ] . Attributes [ iter2 ] , "recvonly" ) {
sendrecv = 1
res200 . SDP = sipasm . NewSDPMessage ( ip , mediaPort , formats [ : 1 ] , sendrecv )
//set payload
payload , err := s . compareSDPMediaPayload ( sip )
if err != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Not found payload type" )
//TODO: should response error sip message
s . ResError ( sip , 500 )
return err
s . payloadType = icspacketparser . PayloadType ( payload )
//create media decoder
var cerr * icserror . IcsError
/ *
s . TxConverter , cerr = icsmediaconv . NewConverter ( s . ID , s . payloadType , false )
if cerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , "Failed to New Tx Converter-%v" , cerr )
return cerr
} else {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "New Tx Converter(Decoder)" )
* /
s . RxConverter , cerr = icsmediaconv . NewConverter ( s . ID , s . payloadType , true )
if cerr != nil {
//s.isFoundPayload = false
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , "Failed to New Rx Converter-%v" , cerr )
s . ResError ( sip , 415 )
return cerr
} else {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "New Rx Converter(Decoder)" )
//fmt.Printf("%v\n", res200.SDP.String())
//s.callID = sip.CallID
//set call signal addr
csraddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( s . AgentInfo . IP , s . AgentInfo . Port )
//csladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerPort)
/ *
csraddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( conf . VoiceAgentConfig . AgentInfo [ s . ID ] . IP , conf . VoiceAgentConfig . AgentInfo [ s . ID ] . Port )
csladdr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( conf . VoiceAgentConfig . MyAddr . ServerIP , conf . VoiceAgentConfig . MyAddr . ServerPort )
* /
//set Voice addr
vraddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( s . AgentInfo . IP , s . AgentInfo . VoicePort )
//vraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentInfo[s.ID].IP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentInfo[s.ID].VoicePort)
s . VoiceNeter = icsnet . NewUDP ( nil , & vraddr )
//s.VoiceNeter = icsnet.NewUDP(&vladdr, &vraddr)
conerr := s . VoiceNeter . Connect ( nil , nil )
if conerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Error init Voice Neter[%s->%s]-%v" , s . VoiceNeter . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) , vraddr . String ( ) , conerr . GetError ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 500 )
return conerr
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Voice(UDP) Connected to VoiceAgent[%s->%s]" , s . VoiceNeter . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) , vraddr . String ( ) )
//send call signal data to VoiceAgent
// defer func() {
// if err := recover(); err != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, s.ID, "%s [%s]\n%s",
// icserror.ICSERRNETNotConnectError.GetMessage(), csraddr, debug.Stack())
// }
// }()
var inout string = "O"
s . SetDirection ( true )
if s . GetDirection ( ) {
inout = "I"
callsignal := writecallsignal . NewCallSignalData ( )
s . StartTimeStamp = time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( )
s . ChannelID = conf . GetChannelID ( )
s . ServerID = conf . GetServerID ( )
//TODO : agent conf
//station := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].Name
s . Station = s . AgentInfo . Name
// fmt.Println("s.Station = s.AgentInfo.Name>>>>>", s.Station)
cust1 := strings . SplitN ( sip . From , "@" , 2 )
cust2 := strings . SplitN ( cust1 [ 0 ] , ":" , 2 )
s . CustID = cust2 [ 1 ]
callsignal . SetData ( s . ChannelID , s . ServerID , s . Station , s . CustID , s . StartTimeStamp , 0 , "S" , inout )
t , _ , werr := icsnet . SendCallSignal ( nil , & csraddr , callsignal . GetData ( ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Failed to send Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent(%s)" , werr . GetError ( ) )
if t != nil {
s . ResError ( sip , 502 )
t . Close ( )
s . ResError ( sip , 502 )
// Before not return => not stop call process
return werr
} else {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent - channelid: %s, serverid: %d, station: %s, Custom: %s, starttimestamp: %d, START, inout: %s\n" ,
s . ChannelID , s . ServerID , s . Station , s . CustID , s . StartTimeStamp , inout )
//t, wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(nil, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
//t, wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(&csladdr, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
/ *
if werr == nil {
defer t . Close ( )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent(%d)" , wlen )
// recv TTS data
//recv tts header
ttsHeader , rlen , rerr := t . Read ( 36 )
if rerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Failed to recv TTS header(%d,%s)" , rlen , rerr . GetError ( ) )
//return rerr
ttscmd := binary . LittleEndian . Uint32 ( ttsHeader [ 0 : ] )
ttsrc := binary . LittleEndian . Uint32 ( ttsHeader [ 4 : ] )
ttspl := binary . LittleEndian . Uint64 ( ttsHeader [ 8 : ] )
agentname := string ( ttsHeader [ 16 : ] )
//remove null terminator
n := bytes . Index ( [ ] byte ( agentname ) , [ ] byte { 0 } )
agentName := string ( [ ] byte ( agentname ) [ : n ] )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Recved TTS header(%d) AgentName: %s, Command: %d result code: %d, payload length: %d" ,
rlen , agentName , ttscmd , ttsrc , ttspl )
//recv tts data
tts , rlen , rerr := t . Read ( int ( ttspl ) )
if rerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Failed to recv TTS(%d,%s)" , rlen , rerr . GetError ( ) )
//return rerr
s . m . Lock ( )
s . tts = make ( [ ] byte , int ( ttspl ) )
copy ( s . tts , tts )
s . m . Unlock ( )
//s.tts = tts
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Recved TTS data. Length: %d" , len ( s . tts ) )
} else {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Failed to send Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent(%s)" , werr . GetError ( ) )
if t != nil {
t . Close ( )
//return rerr
* /
/ *
//RTP start
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Started RTP sender Callback" )
s . txCnt = 0
s . callStartTime = time . Now ( )
s . RTPSenderCallBackTimer . Start ( )
* /
//set sip resp header
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
sdpLength := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , len ( res200 . SDP . String ( ) ) )
supported := "timer, path, replaces, sdp-anat"
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE , "application/sdp" )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , sdpLength )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res200 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res200 . String ( ) )
s . txCnt = 0
s . callStartTime = time . Now ( )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_BUSY )
/ * ////
time . Sleep ( 3000 * time . Millisecond )
s . RequestRefer ( sip )
* /
} else if status == STATUS_AGENT_BUSY {
if strings . Contains ( strings . ToUpper ( sip . Supported ) , "SDP-ANAT" ) {
//send 486 busy
res486 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 486 )
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
res486 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res486 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
res486 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res486 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res486 . String ( ) )
} else {
//send 486 busy
res486 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 486 )
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
res486 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res486 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
res486 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res486 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res486 . String ( ) )
//remove session
} else {
//TODO: send error response
return nil
//response invite
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcACKInvite ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
// s.InviteSIP = sip
// set agentinfo
name1 := strings . SplitN ( sip . To , "@" , 2 )
name2 := strings . SplitN ( name1 [ 0 ] , ":" , 2 )
ac := FindAgentConfig ( name2 [ 1 ] )
s . m . Lock ( )
s . callID = sip . CallID
s . m . Unlock ( )
if ac == nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Could not found Agent Name - %s" ,
icserror . ICSERRUnkown . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 400 )
return icserror . ICSERRUnkown
s . SetAgentConfig ( ac )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Found Agent config - %+v" , ac )
ai := FindAgentInfo ( name2 [ 1 ] )
if ai == nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Could not found Agent Name - %s" ,
icserror . ICSERRUnkown . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 400 )
return icserror . ICSERRUnkown
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Found Agent Info - %+v" , ai )
s . SetAgentInfo ( ai )
ierr := s . Init ( )
if ierr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Session Init Error - %d" ,
ierr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . ResError ( sip , 500 )
return ierr
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
//mediaPort := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Port
sipPort := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
format := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . MediaConfig . Format
if conf . Representative . Value { // 대표번호일때 강제로 콜링으로 변환
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_CALLING )
status := s . GetAgentStatus ( )
// fmt.Println("BOT STATUS ", status == STATUS_AGENT_CALLING)
ackMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:01025670081@%s;transport=%s" , "" , transport )
reqAck := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_ACK , ackMethod )
//via := fmt.Sprintf("SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s", ip, sipasm.GenerateBranch())
maxforwards := "70"
//from := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s:5090>;tag=%s", s.AgentName, ip, sipasm.GenerateTag())
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>", "01025670081", "")
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>", "01025670081", ip)
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>", s.AgentName, ip)
//cseq := fmt.Sprintf("%d INVITE", s.Cseq)
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
if sip . Source == "200" {
//get remote rtp addr in SDP
//fmt.Println("invite > method type", sip.Method, sip.Content)
rport , perr := s . findSDPMediaAudioPort ( sip )
if perr != nil {
return perr
sdpConnectInfo := strings . Split ( sip . Content . Connection , " " )
remoteIP := sdpConnectInfo [ len ( sdpConnectInfo ) - 1 ]
remoteAddrs := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%d" , remoteIP , rport )
//fmt.Println("remote RTP addr:", remoteAddrs)
remoteAddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPAddr ( remoteAddrs )
//connect to remote RTP
s . rtpMediaNeter . SetRemoteAddr ( & remoteAddr )
//set payload
formats := strings . Split ( format , " " )
s . invitePayloads = formats
payload , err := s . compareSDPMediaPayload ( sip )
if err != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Not found payload type - %s" , err . GetError ( ) . Error ( ) )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Not found payload type - %s" , sip . Content )
//TODO: should response error sip message
return err
s . payloadType = icspacketparser . PayloadType ( payload )
var cerr * icserror . IcsError
s . RxConverter , cerr = icsmediaconv . NewConverter ( s . ID , s . payloadType , true )
if cerr != nil {
//s.isFoundPayload = false
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , "Failed to New Rx Converter-%v" , cerr )
s . ResError ( sip , 415 )
return cerr
} else {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "New Rx Converter(Decoder)" )
for _ , viav := range sip . Via {
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , viav )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , sip . From )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , sip . To )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , sip . CallID )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , sip . Cseq )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , "0" )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
// wlen, werr := (*s.sipNeter).WriteSIP([]byte(reqAck.String()))
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIPTo ( [ ] byte ( reqAck . String ( ) ) , s . remoteSIPAddr )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
if sip . Source == "200" {
//RTP start
s . txCnt = 0
s . callStartTime = time . Now ( )
// s.RTPSenderCallBackTimer.Start()
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_BUSY )
s . RTPSenderCallBackTimer . Start ( )
// set agentinfo
// name1 := strings.SplitN(sip.To, "@", 2)
// name2 := strings.SplitN(name1[0], ":", 2)
// ac := FindAgentConfig(name2[1])
// if ac == nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Could not found Agent Name - %s",
// icserror.ICSERRUnkown.GetMessage())
// s.ResError(sip, 400)
// return icserror.ICSERRUnkown
// }
// s.SetAgentConfig(ac)
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Found Agent config - %+v", ac)
// ai := FindAgentInfo(name2[1])
// if ai == nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Could not found Agent Name - %s",
// icserror.ICSERRUnkown.GetMessage())
// s.ResError(sip, 400)
// return icserror.ICSERRUnkown
// }
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Found Agent Info - %+v", ai)
// s.SetAgentInfo(ai)
// ierr := s.Init()
// if ierr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Session Init Error - %d",
// ierr.GetMessage())
// s.ResError(sip, 500)
// return ierr
// }
//set payload
// payload, err := s.compareSDPMediaPayload(sip)
// if err != nil {
// l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Not found payload type")
// //TODO: should response error sip message
// s.ResError(sip, 500)
// return err
// }
// s.payloadType = icspacketparser.PayloadType(payload)
// set audio port
// rport, perr := s.findSDPMediaAudioPort(sip)
// if perr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Could not found Audio Port [%d] - %s",
// rport, perr.GetMessage())
// }
// sdpConnectInfo := strings.Split(sip.Content.Connection, " ")
// remoteIP := sdpConnectInfo[len(sdpConnectInfo)-1]
// remoteAddrs := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", remoteIP, rport)
// remoteAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(remoteAddrs)
// //connect to remote RTP
// s.rtpMediaNeter.SetRemoteAddr(&remoteAddr)
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Set media remote address - %s(%s)", remoteAddr, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr())
// send call signal
// var inout string = "O"
// s.SetDirection(true)
// if s.GetDirection() {
// inout = "I"
// }
// csraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(s.AgentInfo.IP, s.AgentInfo.Port)
// callsignal := writecallsignal.NewCallSignalData()
// s.StartTimeStamp = time.Now().UnixNano()
// s.ChannelID = conf.GetChannelID()
// s.ServerID = conf.GetServerID()
// //TODO : agent conf
// //station := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].Name
// s.Station = s.AgentInfo.Name
// fmt.Println("s.Station = s.AgentInfo.Name>>>>>", s.Station)
// ///////////
// cust1 := strings.SplitN(sip.From, "@", 2)
// cust2 := strings.SplitN(cust1[0], ":", 2)
// s.CustID = cust2[1]
// //////////
// callsignal.SetData(s.ChannelID, s.ServerID, s.Station, s.CustID, s.StartTimeStamp, 0, "S", inout)
// t, _, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(nil, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
// if werr != nil {
// fmt.Println("Failed to send Call-Start ", werr.GetError())
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Failed to send Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent(%s)", werr.GetError())
// if t != nil {
// s.ResError(sip, 502)
// t.Close()
// }
// s.ResError(sip, 502)
// // Before not return => not stop call process
// return werr
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent - channelid: %s, serverid: %d, station: %s, Custom: %s, starttimestamp: %d, START, inout: %s\n",
// s.ChannelID, s.ServerID, s.Station, s.CustID, s.StartTimeStamp, inout)
// }
// fmt.Println("Send Call Signal to 83 VAB")
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Send Call Signal to 83 VAB")
// fmt.Println(s)
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqAck . String ( ) )
return nil
//for cancel method
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcInvite487 ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
//mediaPort := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Port
sipPort := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
//format := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Format
//status := s.GetAgentStatus()
//send 487 Request Terminiated
res487 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 487 )
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
res487 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res487 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
res487 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res487 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
s . callEndTime = time . Now ( )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res487 . String ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return nil
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcCancel ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
//mediaPort := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Port
sipPort := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
//format := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Format
//status := s.GetAgentStatus()
//send 200 ok
res200 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 200 )
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res200 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
s . callEndTime = time . Now ( )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res200 . String ( ) )
return nil
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcBye ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
//mediaPort := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Port
sipPort := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
//format := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Format
//send call signal-end to VoiceAgent
//set call signal addr
// fmt.Println(s)
// csraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(s.AgentInfo.IP, s.AgentInfo.Port)
//csladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerPort)
/ *
csraddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( conf . VoiceAgentConfig . AgentInfo [ s . ID ] . IP , conf . VoiceAgentConfig . AgentInfo [ s . ID ] . Port )
csladdr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( conf . VoiceAgentConfig . MyAddr . ServerIP , conf . VoiceAgentConfig . MyAddr . ServerPort )
* /
defer func ( ) {
if err := recover ( ) ; err != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_WARN , s . ID , "%s %s\n%s" ,
icserror . ICSERRNETNotConnectError . GetMessage ( ) , "" , debug . Stack ( ) )
} ( )
var inout string = "O"
s . SetDirection ( true )
if s . GetDirection ( ) {
inout = "I"
callsignal := writecallsignal . NewCallSignalData ( )
s . StartTimeStamp = time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( )
s . EndTimeStamp = time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( )
s . ChannelID = conf . GetChannelID ( )
s . ServerID = conf . GetServerID ( )
station := conf . AgentConfig [ s . ID ] . Name
s . Station = station
cust1 := strings . SplitN ( sip . From , "@" , 2 )
cust2 := strings . SplitN ( cust1 [ 0 ] , ":" , 2 )
s . CustID = cust2 [ 1 ]
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2 , s . ID , ">>>>>channelid: %s, serverid: %d, station: %s, Custom: %s, starttimestamp: %d, START, inout: %s\n" ,
s . ChannelID , s . ServerID , s . Station , s . CustID , s . StartTimeStamp , inout )
callsignal . SetData ( s . ChannelID , s . ServerID , s . Station , s . CustID , s . StartTimeStamp , s . EndTimeStamp , "E" , inout )
// t, wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(nil, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
//t, wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(&csladdr, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
// if werr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Failed to send Call-End signal to VoiceAgent(%s)", werr.GetError())
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent Call-End signal to VoiceAgent(%d)", wlen)
// defer t.Close()
// }
//close voiceneter(voice connection to voice agent)
if s . VoiceNeter != nil {
s . VoiceNeter . Close ( )
//status := s.GetAgentStatus()
//send 200 ok
res200 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 200 )
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , conf . InfoConfig . Product )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
// wlen, werr := (*s.sipNeter).WriteSIP([]byte(res200.String()))
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIPTo ( [ ] byte ( res200 . String ( ) ) , s . remoteSIPAddr )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
s . callEndTime = time . Now ( )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res200 . String ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
s . AgentConf = nil
s . AgentInfo = nil
return nil
// SIM
func ( s * IcsSession ) SendRequestInvite ( ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
// fmt.Println("######### sim loop count!! ", conf.SimLoopCount)
// fmt.Printf("Send Call Start Sip(%s) count %d!!!!!!!", s.AgentName, s.simLoopCount)
if s . simLoopCount < conf . SimLoopCount {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Send Call Start Sip(%s) count %d!!!!!!!\r\n" , s . AgentName , s . simLoopCount )
time . Sleep ( time . Second * 1 )
s . RequestInvite ( "01024342788" )
s . simLoopCount += 1
} else {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Send Call Start Sip(%s) END %d !!!!!!!\r\n" , s . AgentName , s . simLoopCount )
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcSIP20Bye ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
// conf := icsconf.GetIcsConfig()
//ip := conf.InfoConfig.ServerIP
//mediaPort := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Port
//sipPort := conf.SIPConfig.Port
//transport := conf.SIPConfig.Transport
//format := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Format
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "SIP2.0 BYE" )
s . RemoveSession ( )
// ////////////////////////////////////////
// //send call signal-end to VoiceAgent
// /////////////////////////////////////////////
// //set call signal addr
// csraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(s.AgentInfo.IP, s.AgentInfo.Port)
// //csladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerPort)
// /*
// csraddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentInfo[s.ID].IP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentInfo[s.ID].Port)
// csladdr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPPort(conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerIP, conf.VoiceAgentConfig.MyAddr.ServerPort)
// */
// defer func() {
// if err := recover(); err != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, s.ID, "%s %s\n%s",
// icserror.ICSERRNETNotConnectError.GetMessage(), csraddr, debug.Stack())
// }
// }()
// var inout string = "O"
// s.SetDirection(true)
// if s.GetDirection() {
// inout = "I"
// }
// callsignal := writecallsignal.NewCallSignalData()
// s.StartTimeStamp = time.Now().UnixNano()
// s.EndTimeStamp = time.Now().UnixNano()
// s.ChannelID = conf.GetChannelID()
// s.ServerID = conf.GetServerID()
// station := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].Name
// s.Station = station
// ///////////
// cust1 := strings.SplitN(sip.From, "@", 2)
// cust2 := strings.SplitN(cust1[0], ":", 2)
// s.CustID = cust2[1]
// //////////
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, s.ID, ">>>>>channelid: %s, serverid: %d, station: %s, Custom: %s, starttimestamp: %d, START, inout: %s\n",
// s.ChannelID, s.ServerID, s.Station, s.CustID, s.StartTimeStamp, inout)
// callsignal.SetData(s.ChannelID, s.ServerID, s.Station, s.CustID, s.StartTimeStamp, s.EndTimeStamp, "E", inout)
// t, wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(nil, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
// //t, wlen, werr := icsnet.SendCallSignal(&csladdr, &csraddr, callsignal.GetData())
// defer t.Close()
// if werr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Failed to send Call-End signal to VoiceAgent(%s)", werr.GetError())
// } else {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent Call-End signal to VoiceAgent(%d)", wlen)
// }
// //close voiceneter(voice connection to voice agent)
// if s.VoiceNeter != nil {
// s.VoiceNeter.Close()
// }
// s.RemoveSession()
// fmt.Println("######### sim loop count!! ", conf.SimLoopCount)
// fmt.Printf("Send Call Start Sip(%s) count %d!!!!!!!", s.AgentName, s.simLoopCount)
if s . simLoopCount < conf . SimLoopCount {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Send Call Start Sip(%s) count %d!!!!!!!\r\n" , s . AgentName , s . simLoopCount )
s . RequestInvite ( "01024342788" )
s . simLoopCount += 1
} else {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Send Call Start Sip(%s) END!!!!!!!\r\n" , s . AgentName , s . simLoopCount )
return nil
//rtp sender callback timer function
func ( s * IcsSession ) SendRTPCB ( t * icscbtimer . IcsCBTimer ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
//format := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Format
defer func ( ) {
if err := recover ( ) ; err != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_WARN , s . ID , "%s\n%s" ,
icserror . ICSERRNETNotConnectError . GetMessage ( ) , debug . Stack ( ) )
} ( )
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Started Callback SendRTPCB" )
//fmt.Printf(">>>>>neter: %d %+v\n", s.ID, s.rtpMediaNeter)
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "RTP Payload : %d [%p], Destination: %+v" ,
s . payloadType ,
& s . rtpMediaNeter ,
s . rtpMediaNeter )
//init rtp info of session
seed := rand . NewSource ( time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( ) )
r1 := rand . New ( seed )
s . rtpSSRC = uint32 ( r1 . Intn ( 999999999 ) )
seed = rand . NewSource ( time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( ) )
r1 = rand . New ( seed )
s . rtpSeq = uint16 ( r1 . Intn ( 9999 ) )
s . rtpTS = uint32 ( time . Now ( ) . Unix ( ) )
// iter := 0
// totalSentLen := 0
// offset := 0
// psize := icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize
// ts := s.rtpTS
// seq := s.rtpSeq
// voiceFilePath := "/home/leejj9612/sim/voice/9001-RX-1648533187911907029.pcm"
voiceFilePath := "/home/icsvsim/voice/Sample.pcm"
readPcmData , ferr := ioutil . ReadFile ( voiceFilePath )
if ferr != nil {
// fmt.Println("Read Voice File error ", ferr)
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "############ VoiceFile Read ERROR" )
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "############ readPcmData %d", readPcmData)
s . m . Lock ( )
// pcmDataLen := len(s.tts)
pcmDataLen := len ( readPcmData )
pcmData := make ( [ ] byte , pcmDataLen )
copy ( pcmData , readPcmData [ 44 : ] ) //cut off wave header
// fmt.Printf("@@@@@ Read Data len: %d\r\n@@@@@ data: %+v\r\n@@@@@ copyData: %+v \r\n\r\n", pcmDataLen, readPcmData, pcmData)
//pcmData := s.tts[44:] //cut off wave header
//fmt.Println("pcmData len>>>", pcmDataLen, len(s.tts))
s . m . Unlock ( )
var cerr * icserror . IcsError
s . TxConverter , cerr = icsmediaconv . NewConverter ( s . ID , s . payloadType , false )
if cerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , "Failed to New Tx Converter-%v" , cerr )
} else {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "New Tx Converter(Encoder)" )
//defer s.TxConverter.Close()
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ pcmDataLen : %d, loop Count: %d \r\n", pcmDataLen, conf.CallEndInfo.Loop)
// fmt.Printf("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ pcmDataLen : %d, loop Count: %d \r\n", pcmDataLen, conf.CallEndInfo.Loop)
//fmt.Println(">>>", s.payloadType, icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize)
var rtp * icsrtp . RTP
if conf . CallEndInfo . Value {
for lc := 0 ; lc < conf . CallEndInfo . Loop ; lc ++ {
// fmt.Printf("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %d ", lc)
iter := 0
totalSentLen := 0
offset := 0
psize := icspacketparser . RTPPayloadInfo [ s . payloadType ] . PSize
ts := s . rtpTS
seq := s . rtpSeq
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ writRTP ERROR offset: %+v, psize: %+v, ts: %+v\r\n", offset, psize, ts)
for t1 := range t . GetTick ( ) {
if pcmDataLen < offset + psize {
//fmt.Println("BREAK!", pcmDataLen, offset+psize*2)
/ *
uplus 에 서 샘 플 음 성 으 로 pcma 를 사 용 ( 이 미 인 코 딩 되 있 는 음 성 파 일 이 라 읽 어 서 160 씩 보 내 주 면 됨 )
- 인 코 딩 할 필 요 없 는 파 일 이 라 인 코 딩 제 거
- pcma 여 서 160 으 로 고 정 해 서 전 송 ( 다 른 경 우 는 추 후 진 행 )
* /
payload := pcmData [ offset : offset + psize ]
//payload, convErr := s.TxConverter.Encode(s.tts[offset : offset+icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize])
// if convErr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Encoding Error - %s", convErr.GetError())
// return
// }
//fmt.Printf("1048@@@@ %+v\n", s.rtpMediaNeter)
/ *
wflen , wferr := ttsfile1 . Write ( payload )
if wferr != nil {
fmt . Println ( "file.write error" , wferr , wflen )
os . Exit ( 1 )
ttsfile1 . Sync ( )
* /
if iter == 0 {
if offset + psize >= pcmDataLen {
//if offset+psize >= alawDataLen {
offset = 0
rtp = icsrtp . NewRTP ( 1 , //set mark bit
int ( s . payloadType ) ,
int ( seq ) ,
int ( ts ) ,
int ( s . rtpSSRC ) ,
payload )
totalSentLen += icspacketparser . RTPPayloadInfo [ s . payloadType ] . PSize
offset += psize
//offset += icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize
} else {
if offset + psize >= pcmDataLen {
//if offset+psize >= alawDataLen {
offset = 0
rtp = icsrtp . NewRTP ( 0 ,
int ( s . payloadType ) ,
int ( seq ) ,
int ( ts ) ,
int ( s . rtpSSRC ) ,
payload )
totalSentLen += icspacketparser . RTPPayloadInfo [ s . payloadType ] . PSize
offset += psize
//offset += icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize
iter ++
ts += uint32 ( psize )
seq ++
s . txCnt ++
//fmt.Printf("1095@@@@ %+v\n", s.rtpMediaNeter)
wlen , werr := s . rtpMediaNeter . WriteRTP ( rtp . Byte ( ) )
if werr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ writRTP ERROR t1: %+v, wlen: %+v, werr: %+v\r\n", t1, wlen, werr)
fmt . Println ( t1 , wlen , werr )
//fmt.Printf("wlen: %d\r", totalSentLen)
//l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent RTP(%d) to %s", wlen, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr().String())
// fmt.Printf("Sent RTP(%d) to [%s] [%s]\r\n", totalSentLen, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr().String(), s.AgentName )
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent RTP(%d) to %s", totalSentLen, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr().String())
time . Sleep ( time . Second )
s . RequestBYE ( s . InviteSIP )
} else {
for {
iter := 0
totalSentLen := 0
offset := 0
psize := icspacketparser . RTPPayloadInfo [ s . payloadType ] . PSize
ts := s . rtpTS
seq := s . rtpSeq
for t1 := range t . GetTick ( ) {
if pcmDataLen < offset + psize * 2 {
//fmt.Println("BREAK!", pcmDataLen, offset+psize*2)
payload , convErr := s . TxConverter . Encode ( pcmData [ offset : offset + psize * 2 ] )
//payload, convErr := s.TxConverter.Encode(s.tts[offset : offset+icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize])
if convErr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Encoding Error - %s" , convErr . GetError ( ) )
//fmt.Printf("1048@@@@ %+v\n", s.rtpMediaNeter)
/ *
wflen , wferr := ttsfile1 . Write ( payload )
if wferr != nil {
fmt . Println ( "file.write error" , wferr , wflen )
os . Exit ( 1 )
ttsfile1 . Sync ( )
* /
if iter == 0 {
if offset + psize >= pcmDataLen {
//if offset+psize >= alawDataLen {
offset = 0
rtp = icsrtp . NewRTP ( 1 , //set mark bit
int ( s . payloadType ) ,
int ( seq ) ,
int ( ts ) ,
int ( s . rtpSSRC ) ,
payload )
totalSentLen += icspacketparser . RTPPayloadInfo [ s . payloadType ] . PSize
offset += psize * 2
//offset += icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize
} else {
if offset + psize >= pcmDataLen {
//if offset+psize >= alawDataLen {
offset = 0
rtp = icsrtp . NewRTP ( 0 ,
int ( s . payloadType ) ,
int ( seq ) ,
int ( ts ) ,
int ( s . rtpSSRC ) ,
payload )
totalSentLen += icspacketparser . RTPPayloadInfo [ s . payloadType ] . PSize
offset += psize * 2
//offset += icspacketparser.RTPPayloadInfo[s.payloadType].PSize
iter ++
ts += uint32 ( psize )
seq ++
s . txCnt ++
//fmt.Printf("1095@@@@ %+v\n", s.rtpMediaNeter)
wlen , werr := s . rtpMediaNeter . WriteRTP ( rtp . Byte ( ) )
if werr != nil {
fmt . Println ( t1 , wlen , werr )
//fmt.Printf("wlen: %d\r", totalSentLen)
//l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent RTP(%d) to %s", wlen, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr().String())
// fmt.Printf("Sent RTP(%d) to [%s] [%s]\r\n", totalSentLen, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr().String(), s.AgentName )
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Sent RTP(%d) to %s", totalSentLen, s.rtpMediaNeter.RemoteAddr().String())
time . Sleep ( time . Second )
// s.RequestBYE(s.InviteSIP)
func ( s * IcsSession ) ReadRTP ( ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
svc := icssvc . GetServiceStatus ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
/ *
n := time . Now ( )
filename := fmt . Sprintf ( "./%daaabbb%d-2.pcm" , s . ID , n . Nanosecond ( ) )
ttsfile , ferr := os . OpenFile ( filename , os . O_CREATE | os . O_RDWR | os . O_APPEND | os . O_TRUNC | os . O_SYNC , os . FileMode ( 0644 ) )
if ferr != nil {
fmt . Println ( ferr )
os . Exit ( 1 )
defer ttsfile . Close ( )
* /
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Started ReadRTP - %s" , s . rtpMediaNeter . LocalAddr ( ) )
s . readTimer = * time . NewTicker ( time . Second )
// s.ExpTimer = icscbtimer.NewCBTimer(time.Second, s.ExpiredRTP)
// s.ExpTimer.Start()
// go s.ExpiredRTP(s.readTimer)
for ! svc . GetExit ( ) || ! svc . GetStop ( ) {
//fmt.Println(">>>", s.ID, s.rtpMediaNeter.LocalAddr().String())
if s . rtpMediaNeter == nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "######### media neter nil!!!" )
data , _ , rlen , rerr := s . rtpMediaNeter . ReadRTP ( )
//data, raddr, rlen, rerr := s.rtpMediaNeter.ReadRTP()
if rerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "%s-%s" , rerr . GetMessage ( ) , rerr . GetError ( ) )
//l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2, s.ID, "Recved RTP from %s - %d", raddr.String(), rlen)
//parsing rtp
rtp := icspacketparser . NewRTP ( )
if err := rtp . RTPParser ( data [ : rlen ] ) ; err != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , err . GetMessage ( ) )
RPT := rtp . GetPayloadType ( )
if RPT == icspacketparser . PayloadType ( 101 ) { //rfc2833
dtmf , derr := icsdtmf . DTMF ( s . dtmf , rtp , nil )
if derr == icserror . ICSERRDTMFOK {
if s . BotStatus == recorddata . DTMF_COMMAND {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "DTMF : %s" , dtmf )
s . RTPSenderCallBackTimer . Stop ( )
//fmt.Printf("DTMF : %s\n", dtmf)
csraddr := icsnet . NewNetAddrWithIPPort ( s . AgentInfo . IP , s . AgentInfo . Port )
/ *
var inout string = "O"
s . SetDirection ( true )
if s . GetDirection ( ) {
inout = "I"
* /
callsignal := writecallsignal . NewCallSignalData ( )
s . StartTimeStamp = time . Now ( ) . UnixNano ( )
s . ChannelID = conf . GetChannelID ( )
s . ServerID = conf . GetServerID ( )
//TODO : agent conf
//station := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].Name
s . Station = s . AgentInfo . Name
callsignal . SetData ( s . ChannelID , s . ServerID , s . Station , s . CustID , s . StartTimeStamp , 0 , "D" , dtmf )
t , _ , werr := icsnet . SendCallSignal ( nil , & csraddr , callsignal . GetData ( ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Failed to send Call-Start signal to VoiceAgent(%s)" , werr . GetError ( ) )
if t != nil {
t . Close ( )
} else {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent DTMF signal to VoiceAgent - channelid: %s, serverid: %d, station: %s, Custom: %s, starttimestamp: %d, DTMF: %s\n" ,
s . ChannelID , s . ServerID , s . Station , s . CustID , s . StartTimeStamp , dtmf )
} else if derr == icserror . ICSERRDTMFFail {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_WARN , s . ID , "DTMF error - %s" , derr . GetError ( ) )
} else if RPT == icspacketparser . PayloadType ( 8 ) { //rfc2833{
// fmt.Println("Recev 21 TTS!!!")
s . expRead = time . Now ( )
s . expCheck = false
} else {
//rtp decoding
pcm , cerr := s . RxConverter . Decode ( rtp . Payload )
if cerr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , cerr . GetMessage ( ) )
//fmt.Println("payload len", len(rtp.Payload), rtp.PayloadLen, len(pcm))
dtmf , derr := icsdtmf . DTMF ( s . dtmf , rtp , pcm )
if derr == nil {
if s . BotStatus == recorddata . DTMF_COMMAND {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "DTMF : %s" , dtmf )
s . RTPSenderCallBackTimer . Stop ( )
} / * else if derr == icserror . ICSERRDTMFFail {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_WARN , s . ID , "DTMF error - %s" , derr . GetError ( ) )
} * /
//send voice data to voice agent
if s . rxSeq == - 1 {
s . rxSeq = int ( rtp . Seq )
voicedata := recorddata . NewVoiceData ( )
voicedata . SetData ( s . ServerID , s . Station , int32 ( rtp . Seq - uint16 ( s . rxSeq ) ) , s . StartTimeStamp , "0" , RPT , pcm )
_ , werr := s . VoiceNeter . Write ( voicedata . GetData ( ) )
//_, werr := s.VoiceNeter.WriteRTP(pcm)
if werr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "Voice writing error(%d) - %s" , werr . GetCode ( ) , werr . GetError ( ) )
// continue
s . rxCnt ++
// func (s *IcsSession)ExpiredRTP(t *icscbtimer.IcsCBTimer) {
func ( s * IcsSession ) ExpiredRTP ( t time . Ticker ) {
s . mychannel = make ( chan bool )
// fmt.Println("### timer start")
// valCheckTimer := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
s . expRead = time . Now ( )
for {
select {
case <- s . mychannel :
case tm := <- t . C :
if s . expCheck {
fmt . Println ( "agent : " , s . AgentName , " " , tm )
} else if ! s . expCheck {
if time . Now ( ) . Sub ( s . expRead ) > time . Second {
// fmt.Printf("### session expired %s\n", s.AgentName)
s . RTPSenderCallBackTimer . Start ( )
s . expCheck = true
// if s.expCheck {
// fmt.Println(t)
// } else if !s.expCheck {
// if time.Now().Sub(s.expRead) > time.Second {
// fmt.Println("### session expired")
// s.RTPSenderCallBackTimer.Start()
// s.expCheck = true
// }
// }
func ( s * IcsSession ) ReadRTCP ( ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
svc := icssvc . GetServiceStatus ( )
for ! svc . GetExit ( ) || ! svc . GetStop ( ) {
//fmt.Println("###", s.ID, s.rtcpMediaNeter.LocalAddr().String())
if s . rtcpMediaNeter == nil {
data , raddr , rlen , rerr := s . rtcpMediaNeter . ReadRTP ( )
if rerr != nil {
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , "%s-%s" , rerr . GetMessage ( ) , rerr . GetError ( ) )
rtp := icspacketparser . NewRTP ( )
if err := rtp . RTPParser ( data [ : rlen ] ) ; err != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , err . GetMessage ( ) )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2 , s . ID , "Recved RTCP from %s - %d" , raddr . String ( ) , rlen )
/ *
//rtp recver callback timer function
func ( s * IcsSession ) RecverRTPCB ( ) icsnet . RT
* /
//options callback timer function
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestOptionsCB ( t * icscbtimer . IcsCBTimer ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
optfunc := func ( t * time . Time ) {
optMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s;transport=%s" , ip , transport )
reqOpt := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_OPTIONS , optMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s" , ip , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
from := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s" , s . AgentName , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>" , s . AgentName , ip )
postfix := fmt . Sprintf ( "@%s" , ip )
callid := sipasm . GenerateCallID ( postfix )
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d OPTIONS" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , port , transport )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
contentLength := "0"
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , from )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , to )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , contentLength )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqOpt . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]> OPTIONS [%s]" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
callid )
optfunc ( nil )
for t1 := range t . GetTick ( ) {
//fmt.Println(s.ID, t1)
optfunc ( & t1 )
//refer callback timer function
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestRefer ( referto string , sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
optfunc := func ( ) {
optMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s;transport=%s" , ip , transport )
reqOpt := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_REFER , optMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s" , ip , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
from := strings . SplitN ( sip . From , ": " , 2 ) [ 0 ]
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s>" , s . AgentName , ip )
callid := sip . GetCallID ( )
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d REFER" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
referto := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s>" , s . referto )
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , port , transport )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
contentLength := "0"
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , from )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , to )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_REFER_TO , referto )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , contentLength )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqOpt . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqOpt . String ( ) )
optfunc ( )
// refer notify 200ok
func ( s * IcsSession ) ProcReferNotify200ok ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
optfunc := func ( ) {
res200 := sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 200 )
res200 . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( res200 . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
res200 . String ( ) )
s . txCnt = 0
s . callStartTime = time . Now ( )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
optfunc ( )
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestBYESIM ( ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
// contact := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>", s.AgentName, ip, port, transport)
// fmt.Println(">>>contact", inviteSIP.Contact)
// contactName1 := strings.SplitN(inviteSIP.Contact, "sip:", 2)
// contactName := strings.SplitN(contactName1[1], "@", 2)
optfunc := func ( ) {
optMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s;transport=%s" , "AISB" , conf . SIPConfig . SIPProxy , transport )
reqOpt := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_BYE , optMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%d;branch=%s" , ip , port , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
// from := strings.SplitN(s.CustID, ": ", 2)
from := s . AgentName
// from := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s", s.AgentName, ip, sipasm.GenerateTag())
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
// to := strings.SplitN(, ": ", 2)
to := s . CustID
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>", s.AgentName, ip)
callid := s . callID
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d BYE" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
//referto := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:01025670081@>")
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , port , transport )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
contentLength := "0"
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , to [ 0 ] )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , from [ 0 ] )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
//reqOpt.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_REFER_TO, referto)
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , contentLength )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqOpt . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
//l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, s.ID, "BYE CALL STACK\n%s", debug.Stack())
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqOpt . String ( ) )
optfunc ( )
//request bye
func ( s * IcsSession ) RequestBYE ( inviteSIP * icspacketparser . SIP ) {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
// fmt.Printf("inviteSIP %+v\r\n", inviteSIP)
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
port := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
// fmt.Println(">>>contact", inviteSIP.Contact)
// contactName1 := strings.SplitN(inviteSIP.Contact, "sip:", 2)
// contactName := strings.SplitN(contactName1[1], "@", 2)
optfunc := func ( ) {
optMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s;transport=%s" , "AISB" , conf . SIPConfig . SIPProxy , transport )
reqOpt := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_BYE , optMethod )
via := fmt . Sprintf ( "SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%d;branch=%s" , ip , port , sipasm . GenerateBranch ( ) )
maxforwards := "70"
from := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:5090>;tag=%s" , "AISB" , ip , sipasm . GenerateTag ( ) )
// from := strings.SplitN(inviteSIP.From, ": ", 2)
//from := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s", s.AgentName, ip, sipasm.GenerateTag())
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , "AISB" , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
to := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>" , "01024342788" , ip )
if s . InviteSIP != nil {
from = s . InviteSIP . From
to = s . InviteSIP . To
// to := strings.SplitN(inviteSIP.To, ": ", 2)
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>", s.AgentName, ip)
callid := inviteSIP . GetCallID ( )
cseq := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d BYE" , s . Cseq )
s . Cseq ++
//referto := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:01025670081@>")
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , "AISB" , ip , port , transport )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
contentLength := "0"
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , via )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , to )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , from )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , callid )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , cseq )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
//reqOpt.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_REFER_TO, referto)
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , contentLength )
reqOpt . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
// wlen, werr := (*s.sipNeter).WriteSIP([]byte(reqOpt.String()))
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIPTo ( [ ] byte ( reqOpt . String ( ) ) , s . remoteSIPAddr )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
//l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, s.ID, "BYE CALL STACK\n%s", debug.Stack())
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqOpt . String ( ) )
optfunc ( )
func ( s * IcsSession ) Res486Ack ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP ) * icserror . IcsError {
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
conf := icsconf . GetIcsConfig ( )
ip := conf . InfoConfig . ServerIP
//mediaPort := conf.AgentConfig[s.ID].MediaConfig.Port
sipPort := conf . SIPConfig . Port
transport := conf . SIPConfig . Transport
ackMethod := fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:01025670081@%s;transport=%s" , "" , transport )
reqAck := sipasm . NewSIPMessage ( sipasm . ICSSIP_METHOD_ACK , ackMethod )
//via := fmt.Sprintf("SIP/2.0/UDP %s;rport;branch=%s", ip, sipasm.GenerateBranch())
maxforwards := "70"
//from := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s:5090>;tag=%s", s.AgentName, ip, sipasm.GenerateTag())
s . uri = fmt . Sprintf ( "sip:%s@%s" , s . AgentName , ip )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Set URI [%s]" , s . uri )
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>", "01025670081", "")
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s;user=phone>", "01025670081", ip)
//to := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s>", s.AgentName, ip)
//cseq := fmt.Sprintf("%d INVITE", s.Cseq)
contact := fmt . Sprintf ( "<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>" , s . AgentName , ip , sipPort , transport )
userAgent := conf . InfoConfig . Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
for _ , viav := range sip . Via {
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA , viav )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS , maxforwards )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM , sip . From )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TO , sip . To )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID , sip . CallID )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ , sip . Cseq )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT , contact )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT , userAgent )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW , allow )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED , supported )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH , "0" )
reqAck . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
// wlen, werr := (*s.sipNeter).WriteSIPTo([]byte(reqAck.String()), s.remoteSIPAddr)
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( reqAck . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_FATAL , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
return werr
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
reqAck . String ( ) )
return nil
func ( s * IcsSession ) ResError ( sip * icspacketparser . SIP , errNum int ) {
var resError * sipasm . SIPMessage
l := icslog . GetIcsLog ( )
switch errNum { // 4xx : client error, 5xx~ : server error
case 400 :
resError = sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 400 ) // Bad requeset : request could not be understood by the server
case 415 :
resError = sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 415 ) // Unsupported Media Type
case 488 :
resError = sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 488 ) // Not Acceptable Here : Codec error
case 500 :
resError = sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 500 ) // Internal Server error : server encountered an unexpected condition
case 502 :
resError = sipasm . NewSIPResponse ( sip , 502 ) // Bad Gateway : The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server
resError . AddSIPHeader ( sipasm . ICSSIP_HEADER_TERMINATOR )
wlen , werr := ( * s . sipNeter ) . WriteSIP ( [ ] byte ( resError . String ( ) ) )
if werr != nil {
l . Print ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_ERROR , s . ID , werr . GetMessage ( ) )
s . SetAgentStatus ( STATUS_AGENT_READY )
l . Printf ( icslog . LOG_LEVEL_INFO , s . ID , "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s" ,
wlen ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . LocalAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
( * s . sipNeter ) . RemoteAddr ( ) . String ( ) ,
resError . String ( ) )