@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ import (
// "strconv"
@ -20,7 +18,6 @@ import (
type SessionManager struct {
@ -42,12 +39,6 @@ var bigSession []*IcsSession
var onceSession sync.Once
var channelNum int
var m *sync.Mutex
func init() {
m = &sync.Mutex{}
func getSessionInstance(SIPNeter *icsnet.IcsNeter) []*IcsSession {
//l := icslog.GetIcsLog()
@ -260,199 +251,34 @@ func (sm *SessionManager) Run() (icserr *icserror.IcsError) {
sip := icspacketparser.NewSIP()
if icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_NOT_FOUND == sip.Method { //not found sip. maybe abnormal use
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_NOT_FOUND-%s", string(data))
} else {
// fmt.Println("메서드", sip.Method.String())
// if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_INVITE {
// // conf := icsconf.GetIcsConfig()
// // TODO - send bye
// // defer func() {
// // if err := recover(); err != nil {
// // l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_WARN, =1, "%s \n%s",
// // icserror.ICSERRNETNotConnectError.GetMessage(), debug.Stack())
// // }
// // }()
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "sip 내용 전달! %+v", sip)
// // ip := strings.Split(conf.SIPConfig.SIPProxy, ":")[0]
// // port, cerr := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(conf.SIPConfig.SIPProxy, ":")[1])
// // if cerr != nil {
// // fmt.Println("cerr err")
// // }
// // iport := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port)
// // fmt.Println(ip, port)
// sipPort := conf.SIPConfig.Port
// // transport := conf.SIPConfig.Transport
// sipProxy := conf.SIPConfig.SIPProxy
// remoteaddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(sipProxy)
// localAddrStr := fmt.Sprintf("", sipPort)
// localAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(localAddrStr)
// t := icsnet.NewUDP(&localAddr, &remoteaddr)
// // fmt.Println("local ", t.LocalAddr().String())
// fmt.Println("remote ", t.RemoteAddr().String())
// // sendSIP := []string{data[:]}
// // for _, elem := range data {
// sent, err := t.WriteSIP([]byte(data))
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// }
// // }
// // wlen, werr := t.WriteSIP([]byte(data))
// // if werr != nil {
// // l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, -1, werr.GetMessage())
// // // s.SetAgentStatus(STATUS_AGENT_READY)
// // // return werr
// // }
// fmt.Printf("send data \r\n%s, \r\n %d\r\n", string(data), sent)
// } else {
if SessionAvailableSipMethod(&sip) {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, -1, "Session Processing Method-[%s, %s, %s]",
sip.Method, sip.ResType, sip.Cseq)
s, serr := FindSession(sip)
if serr != nil { //not found session
// name1 := strings.SplitN(sip.To, "@", 2)
// name2 := strings.SplitN(name1[0], ":", 2)
// agentname := name2[1]
if conf.Representative.Value && sip.Source == "486" {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "All Agent Calling!!!!!")
sipPort := conf.SIPConfig.Port
// sipProxy := conf.SIPConfig.SIPProxy
transport := conf.SIPConfig.Transport
// remoteaddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(sipProxy)
// localAddrStr := fmt.Sprintf("", sipPort)
// localAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(localAddrStr)
ip := conf.InfoConfig.ServerIP
ackMethod := fmt.Sprintf("sip:%s@%s;transport=%s", "", "AISB", transport)
reqAck := sipasm.NewSIPMessage(sipasm.ICSSIP_METHOD_ACK, ackMethod)
maxforwards := "70"
// s.uri = fmt.Sprintf("sip:%s@%s", conf.Representative.Name, ip)
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Set URI [%s]", s.uri)
contact := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>", conf.Representative.Name, ip, sipPort, transport)
userAgent := conf.InfoConfig.Product
supported := "timer,path,replaces"
for _, viav := range sip.Via {
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA, viav)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS, maxforwards)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM, sip.From)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_TO, sip.To)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID, sip.CallID)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ, sip.Cseq)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT, contact)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT, userAgent)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW, allow)
reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED, supported)
// wlen, werr := (*s.sipNeter).WriteSIPTo([]byte(reqAck.String()), s.remoteSIPAddr)
wlen, werr := (sm.SIPNeter).WriteSIP([]byte(reqAck.String()))
if werr != nil {
l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, -1, werr.GetMessage())
return werr
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s",
if serr != nil { //not found session, create new
name1 := strings.SplitN(sip.To, "@", 2)
name2 := strings.SplitN(name1[0], ":", 2)
agentname := name2[1]
s, serr = AllocSession(agentname, sip.GetCallID())
if serr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Licensed Session number[%d:%s] is EXCEEDED-%s",
conf.GetChannelNum(), agentname, serr.GetMessage())
// s, serr = AllocSession(agentname, sip.GetCallID())
// if serr != nil {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "Licensed Session number[%d:%s] is EXCEEDED-%s",
// conf.GetChannelNum(), agentname, serr.GetMessage())
// if conf.Representative.Value && sip.Source == "486" {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "All Agent Calling!!!!!")
// sipPort := conf.SIPConfig.Port
// // sipProxy := conf.SIPConfig.SIPProxy
// transport := conf.SIPConfig.Transport
// // remoteaddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(sipProxy)
// // localAddrStr := fmt.Sprintf("", sipPort)
// // localAddr := icsnet.NewNetAddrWithIPAddr(localAddrStr)
// //////////////////////////////////////////////
// ip := conf.InfoConfig.ServerIP
// ackMethod := fmt.Sprintf("sip:01025670081@%s;transport=%s", "", transport)
// reqAck := sipasm.NewSIPMessage(sipasm.ICSSIP_METHOD_ACK, ackMethod)
// maxforwards := "70"
// // s.uri = fmt.Sprintf("sip:%s@%s", conf.Representative.Name, ip)
// // l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Set URI [%s]", s.uri)
// contact := fmt.Sprintf("<sip:%s@%s:%d;transport=%s>", conf.Representative.Name, ip, sipPort, transport)
// userAgent := conf.InfoConfig.Product
// supported := "timer,path,replaces"
// for _, viav := range sip.Via {
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_VIA, viav)
// }
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS, maxforwards)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_FROM, sip.From)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_TO, sip.To)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CALL_ID, sip.CallID)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CSEQ, sip.Cseq)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTACT, contact)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_USER_AGENT, userAgent)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_ALLOW, allow)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED, supported)
// reqAck.AddSIPHeader(sipasm.ICSSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, "0")
// // wlen, werr := (*s.sipNeter).WriteSIPTo([]byte(reqAck.String()), s.remoteSIPAddr)
// wlen, werr := (sm.SIPNeter).WriteSIP([]byte(reqAck.String()))
// if werr != nil {
// l.Print(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, s.ID, werr.GetMessage())
// return werr
// }
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Sent Data(%d) [%s]->[%s]>\n%s",
// wlen,
// (sm.SIPNeter).LocalAddr().String(),
// (sm.SIPNeter).RemoteAddr().String(),
// reqAck.String())
// //////////////////////////////////////////////
// }
// continue
// }
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Session Allocated. Session ID[%d] Call ID[%s]", s.ID, sip.GetCallID())
// s.SetSessionMethod(sip)
// //session start
// s.Start()
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "Session Allocated. Session ID[%d] Call ID[%s]", s.ID, sip.GetCallID())
//session start
} else { //found session
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Session found [%s][%s]", sip.GetCallID(), s.callID)
if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_INVITE {
// 대표번호
if sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_SIP20 || strings.SplitN(sip.Cseq, " ", 2)[1] == "INVITE" {
// representative
if conf.Representative.Value {
// if sip.Source == "486" {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "All Agent Calling!!!!!")
// fmt.Println("##### All Agent Clling!!!!!! ")
// s.Res486Ack(&sip)
// continue
// }
if s.CheckAutomata(&sip) {
@ -462,13 +288,6 @@ func (sm *SessionManager) Run() (icserr *icserror.IcsError) {
// if conf.Representative.Value && sip.Source == "486" {
// l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, -1, "All Agent Calling!!!!!")
// fmt.Println("##### All Agent Clling!!!!!! ")
// s.Res486Ack(&sip)
// continue
// }
//if cancel ACK or bye res, remove the session
if s.MethodAutomata == ICS_SIP_AUTOMATA_CANCEL && sip.Method == icspacketparser.ICS_SIP_METHOD_ACK {
@ -483,8 +302,6 @@ func (sm *SessionManager) Run() (icserr *icserror.IcsError) {
s.remoteSIPAddr = addr
//post the sip event to session
h := icsevent.NewEventH()
evt, evtErr := h.AllocEvent(sip)
@ -513,7 +330,7 @@ func (sm *SessionManager) Run() (icserr *icserror.IcsError) {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, -1, "%v", sip)
// }
data = nil
@ -654,7 +471,7 @@ func BotCommand(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
if agentStatus == STATUS_AGENT_BUSY {
// fmt.Println("AGENT_STATUS : ", s.GetAgentStatus())
fmt.Println("AGENT_STATUS : ", s.GetAgentStatus())
s.BotStatus = ttscmd
} else {
@ -674,7 +491,7 @@ func BotCommand(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
tts, rlen, rerr := t.Read(int(ttspl))
if rerr != nil {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, s.ID, "Failed to recv TTS(%d,%s)", rlen, rerr.GetError())
// fmt.Println("error : ", rerr.GetError())
fmt.Println("error : ", rerr.GetError())
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "Recved TTS data. Length: %d", len(tts))
@ -724,7 +541,7 @@ func BotCommand(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
if agentStatus == STATUS_AGENT_BUSY {
s.RequestRefer(telNo, s.InviteSIP)
// fmt.Println("AGENT_STATUS : ", s.GetAgentStatus())
fmt.Println("AGENT_STATUS : ", s.GetAgentStatus())
s.BotStatus = ttscmd
} else {
@ -741,6 +558,6 @@ func BotCommand(t *icsnet.IcsTCPNet, bufend string) {
l.Printf(icslog.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, s.ID, "485LINE %+v, %+v, %+v, %s", ttscmd, ttsrc, ttspl, agentName)
// fmt.Println("418LINE rlen", rlen, rerr)
fmt.Println("418LINE rlen", rlen, rerr)