You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

416 lines
12 KiB

package icsconf
import (
type IcsConfig struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ICSVS"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
InfoConfig InfoConfig `xml:"INFO"`
LogConfig LogConfig `xml:"LOG"`
Linger int `xml:"LINGER"`
Target Target `xml:"TARGET"`
Target1 Target1 `xml:"TARGET1"`
HomeDir string
type InfoConfig struct {
Product string `xml:"PRODUCT"`
TenentID string `xml:"TENENTID"`
ServerID int `xml:"SERVERID"`
ServerIP string `xml:"SERVERIP"`
HostName string `xml:"HOSTNAME"`
type Target struct {
Transport string `xml:"transport,attr"`
TargetPort int `xml:"port,attr"`
type Target1 struct {
Transport string `xml:"transport,attr"`
TargetPort int `xml:"port,attr"`
type LogConfig struct {
Path string `xml:"PATH"`
Disklimit int `xml:"DISKLIMIT"`
Level string `xml:"LEVEL"`
Output string `xml:"OUTPUT"`
RotateConfig RotateConfig `xml:"ROTATE"`
DelConfig DelConfig `xml:"DELPERIOD"`
HomeDir string
type DelConfig struct {
DelDay int `xml:"day,attr"`
DelHour int `xml:"hour,attr"`
Value bool `xml:"value,attr"`
type RotateConfig struct {
Size string `xml:"size,attr"`
Num string `xml:"num,attr"`
YesNo string `xml:"yesno,attr"`
var gIcsConfig *IcsConfig
var onceConfig sync.Once
func OpenConfig(ConfigFileName string, homeDir string) (*IcsConfig, *icserror.IcsError) {
var gerr *icserror.IcsError = nil
onceConfig.Do(func() {
fi, err := os.Open(ConfigFileName)
if err != nil {
gerr = icserror.ICSERRCONFOpenFile
defer fi.Close()
FI, _ := os.Stat(ConfigFileName)
FileLength := FI.Size()
configdata := make([]byte, FileLength)
cnt, err := fi.Read(configdata)
if cnt == 0 || err != nil {
gerr = icserror.ICSERRCONFFileNotFound
gIcsConfig = &IcsConfig{}
gIcsConfig.HomeDir = homeDir
err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(configdata), gIcsConfig)
if err != nil {
gerr = icserror.ICSERRCONFUnmarshal
gIcsConfig = nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(gIcsConfig.LogConfig.Path, "/") {
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", homeDir, gIcsConfig.LogConfig.Path)
//default setting
if gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelDay == 0 {
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour = 90
if gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour == 0 {
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour = 2
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.HomeDir = homeDir
if gerr != nil {
return nil, gerr
return gIcsConfig, nil
func ReloadConfig(ConfigFileName string, homeDir string) (*IcsConfig, *icserror.IcsError) {
fi, err := os.Open(ConfigFileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFOpenFile
defer fi.Close()
FI, _ := os.Stat(ConfigFileName)
FileLength := FI.Size()
configdata := make([]byte, FileLength)
cnt, err := fi.Read(configdata)
if cnt == 0 || err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFFileNotFound
gIcsConfig = &IcsConfig{}
gIcsConfig.HomeDir = homeDir
err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(configdata), gIcsConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFUnmarshal
if !strings.HasPrefix(gIcsConfig.LogConfig.Path, "/") {
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", homeDir, gIcsConfig.LogConfig.Path)
//default setting
if gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelDay == 0 {
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour = 90
if gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour == 0 {
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour = 2
gIcsConfig.LogConfig.HomeDir = homeDir
return gIcsConfig, nil
func (c IcsConfig) GetHomeDir() string {
return c.HomeDir
func (c IcsConfig) GetChannelID() string {
return c.InfoConfig.TenentID
func (c IcsConfig) GetServerID() int {
return c.InfoConfig.ServerID
//from LogConfig struct
func (c LogConfig) GetHomeDir() string {
return c.HomeDir
func (c *IcsConfig) SetHomeDir(homeDir string) {
c.HomeDir = homeDir
func GetIcsConfig() *IcsConfig {
return gIcsConfig
func (c IcsConfig) ShowConfig() string {
fmt.Printf("Log Level : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Level)
fmt.Printf("Log Path : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Path)
fmt.Printf("Log Disk Space Size : %dMB\n", c.LogConfig.Disklimit)
fmt.Printf("Log Del Day : %d\n", c.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelDay)
fmt.Printf("Log Del Hour : %d\n", c.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour)
fmt.Printf("Log Output : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Output)
fmt.Printf("Log Rotate : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.YesNo)
fmt.Printf("Log Rotate File Size : %sMB\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Size)
fmt.Printf("Log Rotate File Number : %s\n\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Num)
fmt.Printf("Log Del Day : %d\n", c.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelDay)
fmt.Printf("Log Del Hour : %d\n", c.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour)
for iter := 0; iter < len(c.AgentConfig); iter++ {
fmt.Printf("Agent Name: %s, Use? %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].Name, c.AgentConfig[iter].Value)
fmt.Printf("Agent Media media: %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].MediaConfig.Media)
fmt.Printf("Agent Media Port: %d\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].MediaConfig.Port)
fmt.Printf("Agent Media Format: %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].MediaConfig.Format)
fmt.Printf("Register value: %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].RegisterConfig.RegisterValue)
fmt.Printf("Register Transport: %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].RegisterConfig.RegisterTransport)
fmt.Printf("Register Expire: %d\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].RegisterConfig.RegisterExpire)
fmt.Printf("Register Username: %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].RegisterConfig.RegisterUserName)
fmt.Printf("Options Use? %s\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].OptionsConfig.OptionsValue)
fmt.Printf("Options Interval: %d\n\n", c.AgentConfig[iter].OptionsConfig.OptionsInterval)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("iComsys Voice Agent Address : %s[%d:%d]\n",
c.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.VoiceAgentIP, c.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.CallSignalPort, c.VoiceAgentConfig.AgentAddr.VoicePort)
confmsg := fmt.Sprintf("Log Level : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Level)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Path : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Path)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Disk Space Size : %dMB\n", c.LogConfig.Disklimit)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Del Day : %d\n", c.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelDay)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Del Hour : %d\n", c.LogConfig.DelConfig.DelHour)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Output : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Output)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Rotate : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.YesNo)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Rotate File Size : %sMB\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Size)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Rotate File Number : %s\n\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Num)
return confmsg
/////////////// simulator ////////////////
type SimConfig struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SIMVC"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
IsCaller string `xml:"ISCALLER"`
Repeat int `xml:"REPEAT"`
Channels int `xml:"CHANNELS"`
TargetPhoneConfig TargetPhoneConfig `xml:"TARGET"`
SimPhoneConfig SimPhoneConfig `xml:"SIM"`
InOut string `xml:"INOUT"`
LogConfig LogConfig `xml:"LOG"`
RegiCount int `xml:"REGICOUNT"`
MediaConfig []SimMediaConfig `xml:"MEDIA"`
HomeDir string
type TargetPhoneConfig struct {
TargetIP string `xml:"ip,attr"`
TSIPPort int `xml:"sipport,attr"`
TRTPPort int `xml:"rtpport,attr"`
type SimPhoneConfig struct {
MYIP string `xml:"myip,attr"`
SIPPort int `xml:"sipport,attr"`
RTPPort int `xml:"rtpport,attr"`
type SimMediaConfig struct {
Media string `xml:"m,attr"`
Port int `xml:"port,attr"`
Format string `xml:"format,attr"`
type SimScenarioConfig struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SIMSCEN"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
ScenarioCount int `xml:"SCENARIOCOUNT"`
SipOrder SipOrder `xml:"ORDER"`
type SipOrder struct {
Order []string `xml:"METHOD"`
StopTime int `xml:"STOPTIME"`
func OpenSimConfig(ConfigFileName string, homeDir string) (*SimConfig, *icserror.IcsError) {
fi, err := os.Open(ConfigFileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFOpenFile
defer fi.Close()
FI, _ := os.Stat(ConfigFileName)
FileLength := FI.Size()
configdata := make([]byte, FileLength)
cnt, err := fi.Read(configdata)
if cnt == 0 || err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFFileNotFound
conf := SimConfig{}
conf.HomeDir = homeDir
err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(configdata), &conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFUnmarshal
fmt.Printf("Configuration> xml name: %s, version: %s\n", conf.XMLName.Local, conf.Version)
conf.LogConfig.HomeDir = homeDir
gSimConfig = &conf
return &conf, nil
func OpenSimScenarioConfig(ConfigFileName string, homeDir string) (*SimScenarioConfig, *icserror.IcsError) {
fi, err := os.Open(ConfigFileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFOpenFile
defer fi.Close()
FI, _ := os.Stat(ConfigFileName)
FileLength := FI.Size()
configdata := make([]byte, FileLength)
cnt, err := fi.Read(configdata)
if cnt == 0 || err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFFileNotFound
SimScenarioConf := SimScenarioConfig{}
err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(configdata), &SimScenarioConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, icserror.ICSERRCONFUnmarshal
gSimScenarioConfig = &SimScenarioConf
return &SimScenarioConf, nil
func (c SimConfig) GetSimChannels() int {
return c.Channels
func (c SimConfig) GetSimTargetIP() string {
return c.TargetPhoneConfig.TargetIP
func (c SimConfig) GetSimTargetPort() int {
return c.TargetPhoneConfig.TSIPPort
func (c SimConfig) ShowConfig() string {
fmt.Printf("Home Path : %s\n", c.HomeDir)
fmt.Printf("INOUT : %s\n", c.InOut)
fmt.Printf("Channel number : %d\n", c.Channels)
fmt.Printf("Repeat number : %d\n", c.Repeat)
fmt.Printf("iComsys SIM Phone Address : %s\n", c.SimPhoneConfig.MYIP)
fmt.Printf("iComsys Target Phone Address : %s\n", c.GetSimTargetIP())
fmt.Printf("Log Level : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Level)
fmt.Printf("Log Path : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Path)
fmt.Printf("Log Disk Space Limitation : %dMB\n", c.LogConfig.Disklimit)
fmt.Printf("Log Output : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Output)
fmt.Printf("Log Rotate : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.YesNo)
fmt.Printf("Log Rotate File Size : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Size)
fmt.Printf("Log Rotate File Number : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Num)
fmt.Printf("SIP Port: %d\n", c.SimPhoneConfig.SIPPort)
fmt.Printf("RTP Port: %d\n", c.SimPhoneConfig.RTPPort)
confmsg := ""
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Home Path : %s\n", c.HomeDir)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Caller : %s\n", c.IsCaller)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Channel number : %d\n", c.Channels)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("iComsys SIM Phone Address : %s\n", c.SimPhoneConfig.MYIP)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("iComsys Target Phone Address : %s\n", c.GetSimTargetIP())
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Level : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Level)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Path : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Path)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Disk Space Limitation : %dMB\n", c.LogConfig.Disklimit)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Output : %s\n", c.LogConfig.Output)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Rotate : %s\n\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.YesNo)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Rotate File Size : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Size)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("Log Rotate File Number : %s\n", c.LogConfig.RotateConfig.Num)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("SIP Port: %d\n", c.SimPhoneConfig.SIPPort)
confmsg += fmt.Sprintf("RTP Port: %d\n\n", c.SimPhoneConfig.RTPPort)
return confmsg
var gSimConfig *SimConfig
var gSimScenarioConfig *SimScenarioConfig
func GetSimConfig() *SimConfig {
return gSimConfig
func GetSimScenarioConfig() *SimScenarioConfig {
return gSimScenarioConfig